Digital Signature Certificate Class 2

Apply Digital Signature Certificate Class 2 by Digital Signature Mart !

Digital Signature Certificate Class 3

Apply Digital Signature Certificate Class 3 For e-Tendering, e-Procurement and e-Bidding by Digital Signature Mart !

Digital Signature Certificate For DGFT

Apply Digital Signature Certificate For DGFT by Digital Signature Mart !

Digital Signature Application Form

Download Digital Signature Certificate Aplication Form With Token Driver with Digital Signature Mart.

Digital Signature Certificate Provider in Delhi, India

Apply now digital signature certificate class 2, class 3, and dgft from 'Digital Signature Mart' Website, Digital Signature mart is one of the best digital signature certificate provider in India.

WELCOME TO DSC IN INDIA :: Digital Signature Providers

Digital Signature Mart "A award winning Company" is a taught group of experienced founders, surveyors and executives committed to offer IT products and services.we are having a devoted group of prepared experts for pre and post deal support. We are offer all types of Digital Signature Certificates (DSC) for example Class 3, Class 2, DGFT. We offers Class 3 Digital Signature Certificates for e-Tendering, e-Procurement, e-Ticketing, Trademark / Patent filing, Class 2 Digital Signature Certificate for Roc/mca Forms filing, Income Tax Returns filing, Form 16/16a Signing, DGFT Digital Signature Importers-Exporters. We likewise give PKI Component Implementation, Payment Gateway for Websites, e-Tendering Solutions like Vendor Registration, Tender Download and Upload. Know More About Us

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Digital Signature For e Tendering

Digital Signature Mart Offering Digital Signature For e Tendering Class 3 Certificates are issued to individuals, organizations and devices and are applicable for personal and commercial use. They represent the highest degree of digital security available to individuals, devices, servers and organizations. Typically, they are used for Electronic Data Exchange (EDI), internet banking/broking, e-tendering and other web-based transactions where confidentiality and authenticity are critical.
You are required to by physically present during authentication and confirmation of applicant identity by the RA or Sub-CA, who issues the certificate provided you meet all requirements.
Class 3 Platinum Individual Certificates issued to individuals or devices and encompass primarily high end security-sensitive online activities.
These are digital certificates that are appropriate for digital signatures, encryption, electronic access control, e-commerce and online financial transactions that require a strong assertion of the customer's identity. The validation procedures for Class 3 Platinum Organization certificates includes confirmation that the subscriber organization does in fact exist, authorization from the organization for the certificate application and authorization for the person submitting the certificate application.
Refer Support Documents for the list of mandatory documents required when applying for Class 3 Platinum Certificates.
Class 3 Platinum Individual certificates are legally valid as per the Indian Information Technology Act, 2000.

List of best Digital Signature Service Provider in India

TCS Class 3 Digital Signature Sertificate

class 3 digital signature certificate are issued to individuals, companies and government organizations. They can be used both for personal and commercial purposes. They are typically used for electronic commerce applications such as electronic banking, electronic data interchange (EDI), and membership-based on-line services, where security is a major concern.
 A Certificate is a digitally signed message that contains a Subscriber's public key and associates it with The MCA21 application is designed to support Class 2 & 3 Digital Signature Certificates (DSC) issued by licensed Certifying Authority under Controller of Certifying Authorities, GoI.. TCS under this Agreement offers three distinct classes ("Classes") of Certificates, Classes 1, 2, and 3. Each class, of Certificates provides specific functionality and security features and corresponds to a specific level of trust. You are responsible for choosing which Class of Certificate You need. The following subsections state the appropriate uses and authentication procedures for each Class of Certificate. For more detailed information about digital certificates.

List of best Digital Signature Service Provider in India